needed this today

Weekly ceo confessions

weekly ceo confessions
text ceotalk to 555888
text ceotalk to 555888
As female CEOs, we’re constantly trying to live up to this impossible standard of what a “successful woman looks like.” And yet, we rarely look in the mirror and see a successful woman staring back at us.
All we ever see are the ways in which we—as entrepreneurs, wives, mothers, and friends—are constantly “failing” ourselves (and others) by not doing enough, serving enough, self-caring enough, giving enough, meal prepping enough, gratitude-ing enough, cleaning enough, sharing enough, or growing enough.
Add on top of this the lack of real access, transparency, and representation within the world of female entrepreneurship (which explains why 88% of female-led businesses made less than $100k in 2018). And all the ways in which female CEOs are uniquely shamed, suppressed, and ridiculed for wanting more for their lives and better for their businesses ... and it’s no wonder we’re so weary, lonely, and in need of sistering and solidarity.
Needed This Today—my free weekly text messages for ambitious female CEOs—aims to meet that need and to defy the myths and tyranny imposed upon women who dare to confess that, 1) We feel more called to create than called to wash our dishes and clean our toilets and, 2) Our dreams/plans for the future are so much bigger than any 88% statistic.
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so why texting?
so why texting?
As a woman, there’s nothing more empowering than letting go of something that’s no longer serving you. The only exception to that? Finding something that serves you (and your people) even better.
For years, I’ve dreamed about creating this channel and sending you texts the way I would a close friend. Because as much as I’ve loved sharing via Insta Stories, long-form emails, 2-hour podcast episodes, and Facebook Lives ... every single one of these modern-day communication channels requires more time, energy, and capacity than you or I always have the bandwidth for.
That’s why this new texting channel is completely separate from all the clutter, hype, and weariness surrounding social media and email. Because as amazing as all these channels can be (if used right), texting allows me a new way of supporting you that’s simpler, truer, and more integrated into our daily lives as female CEOs.
All this to say, your phone number is (and always will be) sacred to me. So I will only be texting you with encouragement, resources, or “confessions” if/when I have something truly worth saying or sharing.
Please Note: You can opt in or opt out of receiving text messages from me at any time. So if at any point this texting channel no longer serves you, feel free to text “STOP” and find something that serves you even better.
text ceotalk to 555888
from Scott + Elise Grice, creators of
Nobody Talks About This and My Own Irresistible Brand
text ceotalk to 555888
from Scott + Elise Grice, creators of
Nobody Talks About This and My Own Irresistible Brand